Piotr Skowroński
O mnie

Z branżą internetową jestem związany od ponad dekady. Od wielu lat zajmuję się optymalizacją SEO z naciskiem na CRO/SXO a w ostatnim czasie coraz mocniej Analityką Webową i technologią opartą o AI.
Jestem wielkim fanem Automatyzacji oraz entuzjastą User Experience. Prywatnie mąż, ojciec, syn, brat, miłośnik Fotografii i fan Frisbee Ultimate.
Moje doświadczenie
Ostatnie publikacje
3 kroki do dobrego Planu Pomiarowego GA4
4 poziomy organizacji struktury GA4
2 niezbędne integracje z GA4
3 tożsamości raportowania w GA4
3 etapy zbierania danych w GA4
Kto i co determinuje wybór ustawień GA4
Zarządzanie dostępem do usługi GA4
Wdrożenie GA4 wg metodologii MoSCow
3 czasy wdrożenia GA4
Prompt Stock

Era of AI: The Power of Gen-AI
Have you ever dreamed of a personal artist, a creative virtuoso, effortlessly creating text, images, sound or synthetic data at your command?… I feel that the power of generative artificial intelligence has been unleashed. What do you think?

Era of AI: Better stop training AI right now
“Immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4… This pause should be public and verifiable”. Thus begins the story of a certain letter, signed by certain experts, addressed to other experts. What do you think?

Era of AI: Opportunity or Threat
Bill Gates shared his thoughts on the revolutionary significance of artificial intelligence. He claims that AI is as revolutionary as smartphones and the ubiquitous internet. What do you think?
Infinity Group

CMP: Effective Cookie Consent Management
Can you imagine a world without cookies? Even if you cannot, the “cookieless” reality is becoming inevitable. Marketers often consider this prospect their biggest nightmare, as cookies provide vital information and data that support crucial business decision-making

GA4: Welcome to the future of Web Analytics
The Universal Analytics (Google Analytics 3) era is coming to an end, and the clock ticking it down can’t be stopped. This is all due to the latest version of the tool for tracking and measuring user activity on a website

SEO and PPC – partners or competitors?
Generating traffic to a website is a challenge that all online entrepreneurs face today. The pandemic has significantly changed the game rules, so people have realised that a business does not exist if it is invisible online
Napisz do mnie
Jeśli interesuje Cię współpraca w zakresie Analityki, SEO lub Gen-AI, napisz do mnie na LinkedIn lub wyślij bezpośrednio e-mail.